I hope that I didn't give the wrong impression here. I don't think that I have come across an office import that works 100% and I if I was M$ I wouldn't be interested in helping anyone do that, rather the opposite. Office is the reason for running windows, something that I have never understood, office is IMHO at best average. FUD worked for IBM for many years and M$ seems to have refined it more. Sorry for the aside, the bottom line is though that if you need 1000ffice compatibility then you need office...
ACTUALLY, if you want 100 Office 97 is so internally inconsistent, you NEVER know what's going to happen. This is a rave from one poor guy who just finished a report in Weird 97 (Word 97), because the colleague he was working with started the report in Word rather than LaTeX. Jeepers -- the figure captions were all over the place, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... And why did every line on the title page get an entry in the table of contents? Yeccch. /vic... - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e