On Wed, 3 Aug 2022 10:57:24 +0100 Peter Suetterlin wrote:
Hi list,
I wonder if someone has seen similar problems, and/or has an idea what might be causing it.
Since many weeks my Tumbleweed laptop shows an embarassing behavior: If I shade a window, and unshade again, the window height is reduced to 1 character height for text windows, or one pixel for graphical ones. It's the same whether I use the mouse wheel or the window menu for shading.
The irritating part is: My desktop at home, also running TW, does not show this. So I assume it is some setting - I just don't have the foggiest idea where to look. I've tried to recursively grep for 'shade' in ~/.config, but that didn't reveal anything.
I had opened a bugreport (boo#1200007), but without any response, so I thought I ask here, maybe someone knows where to look... :(
I'm running plasma/kwin
Hi Peter, I don't have a 'silver bullet' for you, but I rely heavily on shading in my day to day work and this problem would absolutely /crush/ me until I got it fixed. Every time I've seen it (and I *have* occasionally seen it over several years in multiple DEs,) the underlying problem has been in how the the window area is being calculated, stored or read back on unshade. It could be the calculations are bogus (check display settings) or the values being stored are corrupted (or being misinterpreted) on unshade. Have you tried testing if a new user with a pristine environment and configuration is seeing the same behavior? This can help to narrow the problem down to one that is global or confined to your user space. Have you tested switching between higher and lower resolution display settings or at least verified that all of your current display settings are valid? I won't be able to see your reply or respond until later tonight (US Eastern) but I wanted to chime in because I definitely 'feel your pain' :) regards, Carl