Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Saturday 2006-04-15 at 13:13 +0200, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
When I send email from any one of the three email addresses I have, it will all be delivered regardless of the sending email address?
Ok, more explanation follows:
I have a Tiscali dialup account that includes a single email address on their network. I also have a GMail account and another email address on my own domain. So in essence I have a single dialup connection but have configured Mozilla to allow me to send email from either of the three email addresses I have.
The unfortunate thing is/possibly was, was that any mail sent from any of the email addresses I own had to be delivered by the tiscali SMTP server. Tiscali, in all their wisdom, seemed to decide that they would not send email from another domain if they received it from a client connected to their network ie I dial into them and am therefore allowed to send email from the email account they gave me but it seems not from another domain email address ie hylton@conacher.co.za.
Ah, yes, I understand. The funny thing is that dialup tiscali.es allows sending email with any address in the from field, with no authentication method, BUT! You have to be connected with an IP of theirs. On the other hand, if my IP belongs to another network, they do not allow me to send even if my from is @tiscali.es. Absurd.
I agree, totally absurd, especially since I dial up to them and authenticate on one of their dynamic IPs first before sending mail.
By the way, tiscali.es is out of business. They sold their customers et al to "Wanadoo" (France Telecom España S.A). Tiscali went out here about 6 montha ago and now the servers are owned by the MWEb ISP. They are, at teh moment, keeping the server names that Tiscali used but I am sure they will change to xxxx.mweb.co.za in a while.
On the other hand, teleline.es (my other dialup provider) requires you to authenticate, an will not allow you to send with any "from" except @teleline.es. sounds like my current provider. Can they still refuse to send your email if you are using your own SMTP server, albeiy on dialup?
I haven't yet learnt what my current provider does.
So, yes, I understand your problem. That's the main reason I use postfix to send directly. Sorry I need a bit of explanation here.
Do I understand correctly that once you have dialed in and authenticated that the Postfix server just uses the internet connection and actually not the ISP's SMTP server, other than as a SMTP relay?