Hi, On Sun, 18 Sep 2005, houghi wrote:
On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 08:22:32PM +0200, Richard Bos wrote:
Op zondag 18 september 2005 20:02, schreef Gunnar Håland:
I have tried GRAMPS earlier with Opensuse 10. Beta 1 or 2? and GRAMPS keep crashing with a seg. fault. I am now running Opensuse 10.0 RC1 and downloaded GRAMPS 2.08-1, copy my GRAMPS data from my working SuSE 9.2 and BINGO, it`s up and running. Thank you !!!!!!
If you like I can sent you a gramps rpm (2.0.8) build on opensuse RC1.
A great exmple of why we need to have an unsuported place to put stuff. Because if I want it, he needs to mail me to, and so on.
Not really; Richard just did not open his 10.0 directory at ftp.gwdg.de yet. ;-))
Now if you have a place to put it, that place could run `createrepo` and have it set up as a instalation source.
Together with Richard, I have organized such a "place for unsupported SUSE stuff" a long time ago (was at 7.3 times I guess) at ftp.gwdg.de - the APT repositories for SUSE. If you build some RPMs for SUSE distributions regularly at home, I can add a directory /pub/linux/suser-<your-identity> at ftp.gwdg.de and rsync the contents nightly from your home. Every "suser" ("suse user", Richard's creation) is encouraged to run createreo over his personal RPM directory at home. This gives the community the chance to directly add the suser-XXX repository as a YaST source. Once the OpenSUSE build hosts are installed, all "susers" will get invited to move the RPM build process to the SUSE provided build hosts, and then all the "suser" repositories can move "one level higher", to be distributed centrally to all the SUSE mirrors. But again: you don't have to wait. First step is already here (at ftp.gwdg.de). Drop me a line to participate. Cheers -e -- Eberhard Moenkeberg (emoenke@gwdg.de, em@kki.org)