Hi all, I just installed SuSE firewall2 on 7.3 and already setup the config file according to our need. I allow access from internal to outside on ftp, ssh, www, smtp and pop. From the outside only ssh and web are accessible. I check with nmap and everything is OK. I also set the internal net to ping the outside, but I thing something wrong because it cannot work. I put : FW_ALLOW_PING_FW="yes" FW_ALLOW_PING_EXT="yes" and also add on firewall2-custom.config iptables -A input -i eth1 -s -d 0/0 -j ACCEPT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request Is this wrong? I also got an email from someone that when he's trying to send me an email, the message is connection timeout to my email server, which is reside on separate machine (with public IP and always connect to internet with leased channel) and also running firewall2 on 7.3 with main function is to protect smtp and pop3. This is not happen before I installed firewall2. Is there a "delay effect" after firewall2 installation? TIA M. Edwin