GRUB MENU.LST ==============
falcon:/boot/grub # cat menu.lst
gfxmenu (hd0,0)/message color white/blue black/light-gray default 6 timeout 8
title floppy root (fd0) chainloader +1
title failsafe kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz.shipped root=/dev/sda1 ide=nodma apm=off acpi=off vga=normal nosmp maxcpus=0 disableapic 3 initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.shipped
title Linux-2.4.20-test2 kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.4.20-test2 root=/dev/sda1 hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
title Linux-2.4.21 kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.4.21 root=/dev/sda1 hdc=ide-scsi
title Linux-2.4.21-2 kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.4.21-2 root=/dev/sda1 hdc=ide-scsi initrd (hd0,0)/initrd-linux-2.4.21-2
title Linux-2.4.21-3 kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.4.21-3 root=/dev/sda1 hdc=ide-scsi
title Linux-2.4.21-test kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.4.21-4 root=/dev/sda1 hdc=ide-scsi initrd (hd0,0)/initrd-linux-2.4.21-4
title Linux-2.4.22-pre10 kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.4.22-pre10 root=/dev/sda1
title Linux-2.4.22 kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.4.22 root=/dev/sda1 hdc=ide-scsi
NOTE: root=/dev/sda1 ( this is my 'root' partition )
Again, hope this helps.
Since mine grub says:
root (hd0,1) install --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/stage1 d (hd0) /boot/grub/stage2 0x8000 (hd0,1)/boot/grub/menu.lst quit
Do you think I'll have a problem booting? Do I need to reference anything in grub like hdc=scsi?
Tom, it's really hard to say. You really need to make sure your entries in fstab,mtab and /boot/grub/menu.lst agree. If you post the contents of those three files, we might be able to give an accurrate or better answer. Those (hdx,y) numbers are affected by where drives are installed and how the system sees them. Correct me if I'm wrong on that point folks. For example, an IDE drive on IDE channel 1 port 0 will have a different (hdx,y) value than if that drive was on IDE channel 1 port 1 or channel 2 port 0. Clear as mud? -Jim-