Listmates, Moving ssh to a high port has been a resounding success at completely eliminating the dictionary attacks against my server. And so far, I have not had one single instance since making the change. I don't have any great statistics, but I do have one that shows the impact very clearly. The number of log entries per 24 hour period before and after. Before the change (November 21) I had over 5000 ssh attempts on port 22. There were periods where there were multiple attempts every second: 16:36 nirvana~/linux/boxes/bonza/log> wc -l < 20081121.log 5353 After the change: 16:37 nirvana~/linux/boxes/bonza/log> wc -l < 20081125.log 294 Less than 300 entries in the logs in _total_ for an entire 24 hour period. If you have similar issues, and your real user needs can be accommodated on a high port, I highly recommend it. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. | openSoftware und SystemEntwicklung Rankin Law Firm, PLLC | Countdown for openSuSE 11.1 | -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: