Anders: I understand what you are saying about the patches to patch the kernel. I actually want the whole source tree, as I always manage to screw something up with the patches :) Is this provided on SuSE's site, or do I need to simply use the kernel source from ftp.kernel.org? - Mike On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Anders Dahlqvist wrote:
If your'e talking patches it ought to be patches 2.2.15 and 2.2.16 if you're upgrading from the standard (non suSE) kernel sources (2.2.14).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprungligt meddelande <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Michael J. McGillick" <mike@universe.ne.mediaone.net> skrev 2000-06-30, kl. 23.06.31 angående ämnet Re: [SLE] Q: kernel 2.2.16 source package?:
i downloaded all of the updates from the ftp site. Which of the files am I supposed to be installing to get kernel-2.2.16 with the source installed please?
- Mike
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Anders Dahlqvist wrote:
There should be a patch on ftp.kernel.org so you don't need to download the whole kernel sources. I did just because I wanted the SuSE kernel just out of old habit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprungligt meddelande <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Michael J. McGillick" <mike@universe.ne.mediaone.net> skrev 2000-06-30, kl. 22.29.26 angående ämnet Re: [SLE] Q: kernel 2.2.16 source package?:
Is this the correct file to download if you looking to maintain vanilla kernel sources? What is the correct thing to install from Yast? I selected originally the linclude file, and then told the installation packege to go with vanilla sources. What do I install if I want to upgrade to kernel-2.2.16 with vanilla sources.
- Mike
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Anders Dahlqvist wrote:
Run this command on the command line or better put it in a script:
wget -c ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse_update/6.4/kernel-2.2.16/lx_suse.rpm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprungligt meddelande <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Oleg Sverdlov <sverdlov@barak-online.net> skrev 2000-06-30, kl. 18.06.03 angående ämnet [SLE] Q: kernel 2.2.16 source package?:
Hello , I've downloaded and installed k_deflt.rpm package from kernel-2.2.16 directory of SusE Updates FTP.
rpm shows that the package is not installed.
YaST shows that the package is installed.
And in addition I can not find source tree for 2.2.16 anywhere in sight.
Please help.
Best regards, Oleg mailto:sverdlov@barak-online.net
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