Carlos E. R. wrote:
The 03.06.03 at 08:01, Sven Burmeister wrote:
This shows that you do not have that much experience with computers and software, otherwise you would not ask for this in a mailinglist and without giving anymore details.
As a matter of fact, he did, but got almost no responses. He was installing by FTP, but for some unknown reason, after language selection the process got stuck when it tried to check the floppy drive with an IO error - read his email of two days ago, and see if you can help him.
Well not in this email and also he did not refer to the other. I gave him a hint, i.e. to disable his floppy-drive in the BIOS and/or unplug it. The fact that he did not get any answers might be linked to the fact that it is very unlikely that it has something to do with Suse 8.2. Further, if he already send an email with the same issue then why does he demand in this one a fix and does not refer back to his other email? I might be wrong but in my opinion these are just too many things that rather fit to my suspision than a real propblem of the Suse 8.2 installation. It might be hardware, but again, I told him what to try. I do not tell anyone what they got to think, I just pointed out my opinion as well as the reasons that I have. Certainly the style of the email, especially that fixing issue had a big impact on this, anyway. Sven