On my core 2 duo machine running SUSE 10.1 I get a lot of key duplication while typing. Using KDE 3.5.1 and still happening with 3.5.5 from opensuse. Its gotten so bad I had to turn off autorepeat in the KDE configuration (personal settings). With that turned off, there is no duplications, even when you hold down a key. With it on, even with very conservative settings of delay and repeat you will find words with strings of the same character every sentence. Exit Kde, Open Fvwm (or any of the alternative light weight window managers (ye gads those start up fast!!!) and there is NO duplication in any of their limited set of tools UNTIL you open a kde app then even things as simple as kedit or kwrite duplicate characters. I can have Kword and OOO.Writer opened up at the same time, and kword will get duplicate characters. But clicking into OOWriter gives no duplicates. No duplicates in Ctrl-Alt-F1-thru-6 consoles or when init 3. So its not a keyboard problem. The settings in xorg.conf (keyboard section) Option "Autorepeat" "500 20" seems to have no effect on kde. I'd be happy if I could get KDE to leave it alone and accept the x servers settings. Any one else seeing this? -- _____________________________________ John Andersen