You don't need to uninstall wine. Codeweavers crossover products are self contained. So far I've got several wine products installed Corel Photopaint IBM HPBuilder Crossover office Crossover plugin and of course plain wine. Also - I think Kylix is based on Wine - not too sure though. All work perfectly happily alongside each other. RikD.
-----Original Message----- From: Keith Jacobs [mailto:keithjacobs@blueyonder.co.uk] Sent: 02 July 2002 21:37 To: Suse-Linux-E Subject: [SLE] Replacing Wine with Codeweavers CrossOver Office
I installed Wine on my SuSE 8 system but now want to use CrossOver Office which I have downloaded.
Question: Do I need to un-install Wine and if so how, before I install CrossOver Office?
Regards Keith Jacobs --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.372 / Virus Database: 207 - Release Date: 20/06/02
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