Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2023-03-10 17:01, Per Jessen wrote:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
And anyway, probing messagges are noise by definition, unless there is a "I can not probe at all", and this can be told to the user in the same dialog where I ask to open the scanner or probe for it. The messages about the progress of the probing are not to go into the warning log. [snip] The syslog definition is correct, the problem is the programs defining their debug messages as warnings.
Well, seeing as your ideas of debugging are quite different to mine, I guess it is time for a bugzilla or a pull request.
Which I do. I have posted several bugzillas, but it is a lot of work, one per noisy message.
Maybe it is worth mentioning that it is even more effort for the developer and the packagers.
We remove mail.{info,err,notice} on all machines, and I only have one single machine that has any use for news.{crit,err,notice} - our news-server.
I can understand removing news logs if there is no news handling in a machine, but all my machines send email.
If there is a problem and the log is disabled, it would be a disaster.
Personal problem I suggest. I think maybe I handle a bit more email than you do, but you are welcome to volunteer your expertise for the Heroes team, we also have a couple of mail servers that need some TLC occasionally. No mail.{info,err,notice} logs though. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (7.4°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes (2016 - present) We're hiring - https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Heroes