Whoa. This will overwrite the kde 3.0.3 installation. I'm not sure you want to do this when testing a beta. Better use something like KDEDIR=/opt/kde3-beta or something. Also, replace all instances of "\" with "hit enter" :)
I should have mentioned that, but it was too late for me. SuSE had already done that for me with the rpms :-/
The SuSE 3.1-beta rpms overwrite kde3.0.3? Ugh, that's not nice of them.
cvs update \
erm, no.
make -f Makefile.cvs \
You only have to do this when installing from cvs, not the packaged tarballs. The tarballs already have the automake/autoconf stuff ready for use.
That's what I thought too. It didn't work for me.
Probably because you did the cvs update, but if you want to use the latest cvs you need to add a step export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde otherwise "cvs update" will give an error about not having a CVSROOT specified. //Anders