On 19/08/06 04:47, M. Fioretti wrote:
On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 11:57:58 AM +0200, Anders Johansson (andjoh@rydsbo.net) wrote:
Except for a very few individuals, this list has historically been free from people who place form over content.
What you and the others oh-so-mature folks who don't care about "form over content" keep ignoring is that, at least in cases like these, it is not asked "just because they did it so in the old times" or "so you will look good in the pictures we'll send to grandma".
On a high traffic mailing list "form over content" is essential for ACTUAL EFFICIENCY. If posts are always <blah blah blah>
What you and other form-above-all freaks don't care about is that all your blabbering isn't going to change a thing.. people will still hijack threads, people will still top-post, people will continue to include excessive quoting, because they don't know and/or don't care, and they are not about to change simply because of a whole load of drivel that keeps getting posted over and over and over again. I sympathize with you about your metered connection, but you are only adding to your own cost burden by continuing these moronic threads which do nothing to correct the perceived errant behaviour of the few, but do a great deal to clobber the list's signal-to-noise ratio. You need to learn how to separate the bovine effluent from the buckwheat, and carry on.