Reading between the lines, you probable now have a GNOME desktop which does not have right click option for various compressions. Some compression programs are not installed under a basic GNOME install - search for the and they will be installed but not the handy right click on your file manager Scott Marcus Meissner wrote:
On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 01:26:04AM -0400, Ken Jennings wrote:
openSuse 10.2 #1 SMP Fri Jun 22 12:17:53 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Is compress/uncompress really not available in the distro? I went to install it and Yast Software Management won't show me any package that either provides or is named "compress". Oddly, the man pages are installed.
Yes, I know compress is a lame, old program. But, I'm working with some .Z files from a customer and the normally cooperative zcat objects to decompressing and displaying them. Can anyone tell me where to find current source for compress? I found a web site with some source labelled 4.3d from 1990. "$@(#) compress.c,v 4.3d 90/01/18 03:00:00" Is this current?
.Z should be decompressible with zcat / gunzip just fine.
"ncompress" contains the old compress/uncompress.
Ciao, Marcus