On 10-06-2024 02:29AM, Bengt Gördén wrote:
On 2024-10-06 08:24, -pj via openSUSE Users wrote:
Well, can you tell me why I am unable to mount the USB with f2fs in Dolphin
Probably because you have not inserted the module.
try lsmod | grep f2fs
and if nothing "grepped" do
sudo modprobe f2fs
Thank you Bengan, this helps alot! I am able to see the drive in Dolphin now (no error message displayed) but right click, create new is blanked out. Am now able to create a test file from Konsole on the F2FS USB *but* not using Dolphin. Is this because the module is loading to late for Plasma to recognize, (manually being loaded, after boot)? I have reviewed > https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Kernel_module#Automatic_module_handling and https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dracut#Early_kernel_module_loading It's lengthy, there are many options. /etc/modules-load.d/fsf2.conf for systemd to load the module also a dracut early kernel module loading approach, and more... Now asking about what the preferred way in this situation is to load the f2fs module? -Thankyou