Hi all, I thought I should ask the question in the subject. I would like to embed some short videos in a presentation in the unfortunately not too far future. But I can't. I read a lot of text and watched youtube videos so I know how to do that. I know not all video formats work, but ogg would work. And still I failed. I use Leap 42.2. with Plasma5. LO version And then I tried it in some distros in Virtualbox. Linux Mint 18 worked out of the box. Ubuntu 16.10 did not work first but suggested and offered to install some additional packages which drew in numerous other packages. And then it worked. But I simply cannot make it work on my main box. What else is needed? How could I fugure it out? Is it a KDE thing (Mint and buntu were not with KDE) or a SUSE thing? Help is welcome Albert