Is anyone you interested in a GUI process monitoring utility? I've been working on one for my own use. It as has somewhat similar aims as "top", but takes a different approach concentrating more on the "overview" and less on the numbers. I wanted to be more aware of processes that were active and their patterns of activity. I wanted desktop notifications for processes that consume resources excessively (PROCess NOtifications - procno). Procno partly hearkens back to the days of mainframes with rows of blinking lights. If that rings any bells for you, please have a look at: There's a video and screen shot, so you need not waste much time reading. It's still a work in progress, but it does much of what I want. Development will likely slowdown from now on, perhaps adding more validation, or a few more features, such as a nice/renice control or more process info. BTW, procno is partly based on jouno (another pet project of mine). If you're interested in a "different" take on monitoring the journal, one that also makes use of desktop notifications, you should take a look at As explained at github, both of these are available as community packages at Both are just stand-alone Qt python scripts that can also just be grabbed from github (all the install options are explained at github). Enjoy, or not, as you see fit :-) Michael