22 Sep
22 Sep
On 2022-09-22 15:43, Bill Walsh wrote:
SO, what does Betterbird do that Thunderbird doesn't do?
I read the translation and didn't see anything different than my Thunderbird does for me. I have had calendar in the past. Didn't need it so got rid of it. Tabs, gottem. Spam filters, gottem. Configuration, couldn't be simpler. Multiple accounts, gottem. Search function, got it [ never used it - never needed it ]. Customizable - still uses Thunderbird addons.
Sounds like someone got their nickers in knot because the Thunderbird devs wouldn't do what he wanted and copied it over with a new name.
Not really but maybe not far off, from the start. But it seems to have evolved from that point. betterbird.eu -- /bengan