I'm looking for a script or a tool that would allow me to backup chosen directories and some but not all files in them (some of my files are just too big to back up and can be easily reproduced from the scripts).
Do you just want to eliminate any large files from your backup (a list generated dynamically on each backup?) Or do you want to eliminate specific files from every backup (those easily regeneratable)? If you are okay using find/tar, I would suggest that. It should be fairly easy to write a script. With find you can find files that match certain criteria (including size). Put your find results in a file (say "tarthese.txt"). Or if you only want to exclude certain files, you can put them in a file called say "donottarthese.txt". Then run tar e.g.: tar --exclude-from donottarthese.txt or tar --files-from tarthese.txt and put the tar file either straight to tape or to a filesystme which you will dump to tape . If you get stuck on the man pages of tar and find and still need help, let me know. I did something like this a few years ago. For our MS users, we had a /home/backup/ dir on a samba share so any files on their desktop they wanted backed up they put here. I would sometimes also use tar/find to tar some files on linux desktops and then put them in /home/backup. We would then include the /home/backup on the linux samba share as part of our tape backups. Ben Yau