31 Jan
31 Jan
John Andersen wrote:
I see what you mean now. dig CPE00055dfefce4-CM014150004408.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com yields your IP... But still, why would you want to carry around that big mess when you could go to dyndns.org and get a nice short name?
I don't type that every time I want to use it. I have the full host name configured into my vpn, which means I don't have to enter it every time. I also have it in my /etc/hosts file, along with the short host name "home". This means that if I want to ssh to my home network, I'd enter "ssh home". Should the IP change, that would fail and I'd have to do a new lookup, to update my hosts file. And if I absolutely need it on another computer, I have the info stored in my Palm computer. ;-)