Just an FYI to everyone. I wouldn't bother ordering anything from out of country. SuSE 7.1 will not have different versions this time. All the crypto software is included. So whatever country you are in ..you get the full deal with no downloads..I am not saying we are shipping every single crypto package under the sun..but things like openssl and openssh will be included. I haven't had time to look at the other stuff yet. I am busy fighting with CUPS under 7.1 .. it don't likey my HP 600. :( *grin*...hope this news brightens the weekends of at least a few of you. * Jonathan Wilson (wilson@claborn.net) [010127 17:03]: =>www.amazon.co.uk =>Click on the "software" tab then Click on the "Linux" link in the menu bar. Right now they have SuSE 7.0 featured right on the front page of the software section. If all else fails use the search (duh :-) ). => =>You are going to wait for 7.1 to be out aren't you? ;-) => =>Here's the direct link to the SuSE 7.0 Professional page: =>http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004Y5AD/202-9812414-4119030 => =>It only cost me $75.00 USD, which is less then some places here in the US were charging for it. There was no question or extra charge to ship it to me here in Texas. => => -- Ben Rosenberg mailto:brosenb@suse.com --------------------------------------- SuSE Inc. 580 Second St Suite 210 Oakland CA 94607 U.S.A Tel: 1-510-628-3380 EXT:5086 Fax: 1-510-628-3381 --------------------------------------- "There are no problems, only solutions."