Sic 'em! I am not usually for bashing, but for some reason this article really is too much. I wish I had time to write a similar letter. Would someone else please write a similar message and mention the names of some of the supposedly-missing server utilities? A few I can thing of off the top of my head: DB server: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle support if you buy the Oracle version, IBM DB of some sort. I have not yet found MSSQL Server 7 on my Win2k Professional CD.....but I"m sure it's there, isn't it? (snicker) Web servers: Apache (owns more of the net then IIS, according to netcraft) Roxen, and I think others. Telnet comes enabled by default. Ever tryied to get telnet working on Win2k? SSH AND OpenSSH. Is there any encrypted login server on Win2k? Surely... Sendmail: THE UNIX mail server. Postfix: The better UNIX mail server (qmail?) Majordomo... PHP...(isn't zope on there?) mod_perl and a ton of other mods..... SAMBA NFS (Despite the fact the Win2k Pro says you can get Services for UNIX, it is actually on a differant CD that you must buy from MS...shock! horror!) I don't have time to finish but i have a feeling there's a few dozen lines of names that COME with SuSE, and nothing comparable is on an Windows CD, not even on the server editions (phoo, I can't even find MSSQL server on my NT server CD!). try rpm -qa > server.list then erase the non-server RPMs for a complete list. Better get back to work. Sincerely ticked off, JW At 05:22 PM 3/27/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Dear Messrs Hartje and Dick,
I am writing to you as a thoroughly satisfied workstation user of SuSE Linux. I read with puzzlement your recently posted reviews of SuSE Linux 7.1. .......<snip>
---------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Wilson System Administrator Cedar Creek Software Central Texas IT