On 2016-02-02 15:21, Anton Aylward wrote:
On 02/02/2016 04:31 AM, jdd wrote:
I gave the example of the 20M Sony for US$63. There are a LOT of cameras at the $100/100Euro mark, around 16M, that have better lenses and sensors than phones even at the $500-$700 range.
I'm sure of it. In the question of lenses and sensors, size does matter :-)
JDD makes a case for the use of high-end equipment for a specific and extreme situations. I do understand his use case. In my mid teens I was asked to photograph the class production of "Our Town" simply because I was one of the two people in the upper school who had a camera.
LOL. About the same here, but what I had an instamatic 126 from Kodak, I think. Just two settings, sun or shadow. The flash came in cartridges of four: glass capsules with a magnesium filament (guess) with a mechanical ignition, something similar to how bullets are fired (guess on my part). So I did very few photos with flash, not enough money to buy enough of those things. I should have it somewhere, unless it was stolen. My parents gave it to me after my previous camera failed. It was an SLR I built myself from a kit from Kosmos. Picture here: http://www.todocoleccion.net/juegos-educativos/antiguo-raro-dificil-juego-ko... http://www.todocoleccion.net/juegos-educativos/juego-mesa-kosmos-optikus-opt... The brand still exists, but they don't make those learning kits anymore. Just trivial kits. Pity. The problem it had was that the film movement mechanism was defective, by design, according to a professional photographer friend of my father. Apart from that fiasco, it was an stupendous /toy/ for learning optics and photography. But I needed another camera, now that I was introduced to them... :-) -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 13.1 x86_64 "Bottle" at Telcontar)