Hi Darryl, Here is what have done: 1. I set the DVD source inactive, both FTP sources active, first inst-source, then non-oss-inst-source (InstallSource-1.png), last the DVD source and I click Finish. It took a bit to close the window. I assume the catalogues were being updated; 2. I reopen the Installation Sources window and the order of the sources was not maintained (InstallSource-2.png); 3. I open the Software Managemente module and there were no boxes in the Source column (SwManagement-1.png). Any hint? Regards Lívio Cipriano ----- Original Message ----- On 19/08/06 04:23, Lívio Cipriano wrote:
Hi Darryl,
Thanks for your answer, was very well elaborated.
I've done what you recommended, but seams there is a bug in Yast Installation Source module, because it can't assume the order of the sources, as I set them up, and doesn't appear the small box in the Source column in the Software Management panel.
Try moving those URLs I gave you to the top of the list in the installation sources module, and you might also need to change the DVD/CD installation source to "inactive".