One of the major reasons I use ReiserFS rather than ext-series for my file systems is the problem that that ext-series have inherited from 1982-era UNIX V6 and V7 file systems, that of pre-alloacting a certain but fixed amount of space for inodes and a certain but fixed amount of space for data. The ratio can be varied but its set there at mkfs time. Now there are, I realise options. The file /etc/mke2fs.conf has entries for common ratios. What I'm wondering is this: If I know the overall characteristics of the files in the file system can I set the ratios sensibly? For example, if my camera is producing 24MB RAW images accompanied by 5K .xmp files from Darktable and 5MB JPEGs .. Say 30MB per image, what should my ratio be? Another example might be music files, .ogg files of between 3MB and 5MB. Though realistically music is going to vary a lot more than photgrpahs. Or, to ask this another way, is there a utility that will walk though a file system and tell me things like average file size as well as, perhaps, graph the curve of sizes, and recommend the best setting for a ext4FS? -- A: Yes. > Q: Are you sure? >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation. >>> Q: Why is top posting frowned upon? -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: