2 Dec
2 Dec
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 14:37:17 -0600 From: Jeffrey Taylor <jeff.taylor@ieee.org> Message-ID: <20001202143717.A19899@elendil.bearhouse.lan> Subject: Re: [SLE] time-zone Quoting Eugene Tyurin <eugene_tyurin@yahoo.com>: [snip]
2 (Preferred). Set bios to GMT. Do the same thing with yast, but tell it that your clock is @ GMT. This way daylight savings will be automatically activated.
I don't know where this myth comes from. My desktop's hardware clock is set on local time and it makes the change to and from daylight savings time just fine. Probably someone screwed up the system clock implementation twenty years ago and the "fix" is still floating around. Jeffrey