Op woensdag 27 maart 2024 02:12:40 CET schreef Felix Miata:
-pj composed on 2024-03-26 18:56 (UTC-0500):
Hi, I have an HP-Mini-311 32 bit laptop with openSUSE Tumbleweed installed. The machine has not been started for over a year. Today I started the machine.
zypper --download-only
Results in many many problems.
More or less expected, if you have any repos enabled that do not auto-refresh.
The snapshot is :> 20220612
Can I get your insight on what you recommend in doing? The goal for me is to get the machine back up to date if possible.
I don't recall if I ever let one go quite that long without a dup, but I have quite some experience with lengths of more than 6 months. This, and experience with urpm, lead me to beginning each dup process with this prequel:
zypper ref zypper -v in --download-in-advance rpm zypper libzypp libsolv-tools openSUSE-release coreutils filesystem zypper -v in --download-in-advance device-mapper glibc mdadm systemd udev aaa_base
The idea here is to ensure the package management system and the filesystem are prepared for the task at hand by fully updating them first, trusting that anything in my install list they depend on will come along with them. Once this prequel is done, and all the rest of the packages have been downloaded in advance, any hiccups should nevertheless be able to be somehow dealt with some combination of zypper, rpm, yast and/or logical thought processes.
What you might want to consider for something so old is an offline upgrade. It can be as simple as fetching https://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/boot/x86_64/loader/initrd https://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/boot/x86_64/loader/linux and putting them on a local filesystem, then creating a bootloader stanza to load them. This enables NET installation as long as nothing destroys the existing Grub or their filesystem first. Were live dup to fail hopelessly, a NET upgrade might be able to pick it back up, and if worse came to worse, initialize a fresh installation, without need to download or burn or find something to burn to.
I use --download-in-advance explicitly here because my zypp.conf files all contain "commit.downloadMode = DownloadAsNeeded". I don't much care for the concept of filling a filesystem with rpms before performing their installations. That can lead to inability to complete the upgrade, or install a particularly large package, on a / filesystem lacking ample freespace, in addition to increasing filesystem fragmentation. This is definitely not the way to deal with TW. Unless you have an unlimited amount of spare time.
-- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board openSUSE Forums Team