Dan wrote:
I recently posted about my attempt to install 9.0 to SATA on a D875PBZ. I tried the installation exactly the same way you did, by not bringing the PATA into the drive selection. Whenever I booted from DVD I got the same message that you're getting now: 'hde: attached ide-disk driver.' then it freezes. At lease you were able to load onto a SATA whereas I was not.
So you see the problem when you're in Legacy mode whereas I see it in Enhanced? That's curious. Things have moved on since. I rebooted the machine a couple more times and eventually it came all the way up. I was able to do some more configuration and then it locked up (I was formatting the second SATA drive at the time). After rebooting, it runs again and I've completed the disk setup. As I write, I've just fsck'ed one of the new partitions on that drive and the system has locked up when I tried to fsck the second partition :( Anybody got any ideas on tracking this down?
I'm curious if you're running the same BIOS version. Mine is BZ87510A.86A.0083.P18. I'm also curious as to which kernel was installed onto your system. Mine shows the smp4G kernel. Dmesg shows CPU0 and CPU1 despite there being only 1 CPU on the system.
My BIOS version is BZ87510A.86A.0038.P08. The kernel is smp4G. You see CPU0 and CPU1 because it's a hyperthreading processor, it's normal. And that's also why the SMP kernel is chosen.
Dan - wo6m
Glad you've got a name, Dan :) Cheers, Dave