On 09/12/2005 10:40 AM, Lawrence Bowie wrote: (OK, now I figured out how to get that reply header format -- now to figure out how to put the original timestamp in there, rather than my own local time. Any hints, anyone? User pref "mailnews.display.original_date" is set as "true".)
How about any other dot files that may have been preserved?
Have you tried moving .mozilla to a different name and allowing it to start clean? This will eliminate it being your dot files. :)
I have been through this recently and the dot file were the culprit as well as other libraries.
Dude, every time I install SuSE, mozilla "starts clean" the very first time I use it. I found a reference on suseforums.com suggesting the same thing, and it didn't work for that person. I fail to see what good it would do to replace one directory with another of the same name, containing precisely the same files, anyway. This seems like replacing the air in your car's tires in the hope it will get rid of a nasty engine knock.