João Reis <> writes:
linux# kermit C-Kermit 6.0.192, 6 Sep 96, for Linux Copyright (C) 1985, 1996, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Default file-transfer mode is BINARY Type ? or HELP for help. C-Kermit>set line /dev/ttyS3 C-Kermit>set carrier-watch off C-Kermit>set speed 115200 /dev/ttyS3, 115200 bps C-Kermit>c
I haven't used a serial line for a long time but if I remember it right, there are more parameters to be set, e.g. the parity, the number of stopbits, ... (/root/) C-Kermit>show communications Communications Parameters: Line: /dev/ttyS0, speed: 9600, mode: local, modem: generic Parity: none, stop-bits: (default) (8N1) Duplex: full, flow: rts/cts, handshake: none Carrier-watch: auto, close-on-disconnect: off Lockfile: /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0 Terminal bytesize: 8, escape character: 28 (^\) Carrier Detect (CD): Off Dataset Ready (DSR): Off Clear To Send (CTS): Off Ring Indicator (RI): Off Data Terminal Ready (DTR): On Request To Send (RTS): On
Connecting to /dev/ttyS3, speed 115200. The escape character is Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS) Type the escape character followed by C to get back, or followed by ? to see other options.
And it hang . I could not put any command after and no response was seen.
Did you use "Ctrl-\ C" as suggested above?
What that means? The cable line is not well? The mobile phone does not responds ?
Communication parameters had to be right in the past and it usually took some time to set them correctly. -- A.M.