(sorry) Thanks. I thought I had to setup the chroot environment myself like I had to some years ago. I'd no idea that vsftpd did it all for you in its config file:-) What a timesaver! On Wednesday 09 October 2002 11:38, Nick Katsamas wrote:
See in the man page the variable "chroot_list_enable"
or better search for the word chroot in the man page. It will help you.
On Wednesday 09 October 2002 12:27, steve wrote:
in /etc/passwd I have: ftpadmin:x:504:100::/home/ftp/./ftpadmin/:/dev/null
and in /home/ftpadmin/etc/passwd: ftpadmin:x:504:100::/ftpadmin/:/dev/null
But vsftpd doesn't seem to allow it:
220 ready, dude (vsFTPd 1.0.1: beat me, break me) USER ftpadmin 331 Please specify the password. PASS xxxx 500 OOPS: chdir disconnecting. . .
What do I have wrong? Thanks, Steve.