3/ NO Adabas database ( or at least I have not found it on the disk <g> )
If this is true they are going to hear me screaming all the way in Germany!!!! What is that about!!??? Suse people: is this true!!!!??? Forrest On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 08:14:33 +0100, a large badger frolicked about on your keyboard, and out came:
( Sorry dh sent this direct again and it should be on the list <G> )
I'm curious, now that every Tom, Dick and SuSE is selling Star Office6, what incentive is there to plunk down an extra $50.00 for Suns version. Specifically is the printed documentation a Sun exclusive? or does it come along w/ SuSE's offreing as well?
SUSE version is :-
1/ Just a disk
2/ NO windows version
3/ NO Adabas database ( or at least I have not found it on the disk <g> )
4/ NO information on actually where it is on the disk
So if like me you need the windows version as well then it is a waste of money as you need to buy the sun version.
-- Lester Caine ----------------------------- L.S.Caine Electronic Services