The 03.03.02 at 14:59, chiefoldmist wrote:
Dear Bruce, Carlos & Jerry
Thank you all for your help - i now have a working mail system delivering mail for both myself and my wife (she is very happy).
Good! :-)
I apologise for any confusion and hope that the previous emails were a good natured discussion !!!.
I will try to cler up a few things:
1. I was running fetchmail as root
I thougt so.
2. When i wanted to get procmail running i looked a Togan's FAQ and uncommented the mailbox_command line and added the path to procmail as he suggested.
You mean this text? |2. How can I make fetchmail to deliver via procmail ? | |You need to add: | | mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T" | | |to your "options" in ~/.fetchmailrc For instance .fetchmailrc may look |something like: | |poll protocol pop3 username myusername password |mysecretpassword options ssl mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T" Or this other entry: |4. How do use procmail with Postfix ? | |in /etc/postfix/ Search for | |#mailbox_command = /some/where/procmail | | |And change it to your path to procmail, which is /usr/bin/procmail unless |you changes the procmail installation. It must be this last one. I think I'm starting to understand. :-) There is an easier way: Yast can configure it for you; or edit "/etc/sysconfig/postfix": POSTFIX_MDA="procmail" possibly running suseconfig later.
3. When i did this the comments above this line said that if i wanted to use this to deliver mail system wide i had to alias root - which i did to Tim.
4. I then entered my recipe in /etc/procmailrc
5. I got all sorts of strange messages as you saw.
Yes, very weird.
What i did to solve this was:
1. Run fetchmail as Tim
2. Add Jerry's line about mda procmail to my procmailrc
Which was? :-?
I now move on to my next problem,
I'm happy it worked at last :-) -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson