Hello, In the Message; Subject : XONAR STX-II sound card in Leap-15.5 Message-ID : <20230816073503.34302cdeb690932d3eb92f9a@trixtar.org> Date & Time: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 07:35:03 -0400 [BF] == bent fender <ksusup@trixtar.org> has written: [...] BF> A related question is "if I disable pulse does that truly BF> and totally take it out of the equation until reboot"? BF> How come the Pulse Audio Volume thingie continues breathing? Do it this way; $ systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service After this, pulseaudio will not work unless you do either of these things; 1. $ systemctl --user start pulseaudio.service or 2. reboot Regards & Good Night. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ " Hassabis says that no one really knows for sure that AI will become a major danger. But he is certain that if progress continues at its current pace, there isn’t much time to develop safeguards. "I can see the kinds of things we're building into the Gemini series right, and we have no reason to believe that they won't work," he says." -- "Google DeepMind's CEO Says Its Next Algorithm Will Eclipse ChatGPT" --