Am 05.11.2014 12:52, schrieb jdd:
So I want to learn why there are here, what's for, benefits and may be drawbacks...
My recent factory installation defaulted to btrfs. As my development machine has many test partitions, oS was going to be around 10GB. Not much, but enough for previous linux installs. Today that oS factory installation refused to run the usual daily X session. Lots of disk(ssd) i/o slowed down the machine. df showed some hundreds MB free space. But that is not relyable as the btrfs wiki tells. That wiki does not tell how to disable features to get that system running smooth again. Additionally yast stopped on the command line. After removing files it was still slow. btrfs check did not show any errors. ATM I must say for me btrfs is a failure. Right now I reinstall oS-13.2 using ext4. Hope you will find some answeres including better documentation and for easier trouble shooting to improve the situation with the default offered file system in oS-13.2. kind regards Kai-Uwe PS: I dont think the above described behaviour is a bug. Its just a ignored usecase together with lax documentation. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: