12 Aug
12 Aug
Le 12/08/2021 à 11:02, Felix Miata a écrit :
In trying to reproduce, I found on TW and 15.3, both work as desired using the following:
xrandr --dpi 108 --output DP1 --primary --mode 1680x1050 --scale 1.142858x1.028571 --pos 0x1080 --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0
The scale factor used allowed a fullscreen window from the 1920x1080 display to be moved and fit perfectly on the 1680x1050 (primary) display. There was no need to create any mode or use --fb.
good. It worked also for me on an other computer, but not on this one (who knows why??), but I will try your setup, thanks jdd -- http://dodin.org