The Tuesday 2005-03-01 at 11:22 +0100, JCVALIERE@unog.ch wrote:
The Monday 2005-02-28 at 14:02 +0100, JCVALIERE@unog.ch wrote:
Use pin (part of the distribution) to identify the needed program.
I can find this command anywhere in the system or on the installation CD. Which package should I install and where should it be installed.
¿can or can't? :-? I can't ...
(Your quoting is wrong, by the way).
By the way the rpm doesn't seems to be avalaible for SLES8 or ??
The bussiness version? I'm not familiar with the exact tools it has. The professional (ie, the home version) version does include "pin". In any case, all that pin does is searching in the rpm database, and if it fails, then it searchs in the "ARCHIVE.gz" file from the install CD/DVD, in a nice way. -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson