devosc wrote:
I tried to create a rescue disk and the computer just kept cutting out on me, which is strange compared to the amount of usage required during a complete install... anyway I'm off to *try* and get a 400Watt power supply, I suspect that this is the cause of the problem, I'm currently using a 300Watt ps and from a quick look on the web I've seen a site offering the same motherboard with a 400Watt supply, so I'm going with the assumption that this is a more suitable one to use.. it's just that at the time of purchasing the compononents I didn't find anything suggesting a suitable ps for the SOYO KT400... well lets hope I pick something up today... and that the 400Watt doesn't cause any harm etc....
Yeah, this sounds like a hardware issue and the power supply is a good place to start.
BTW, I enabled 'smartd' in the runlevel configuration and the system didn't hang after reboot.... I presume 'smartd' is totally different from S.M.A.R.T something or another which my bios says is not available....
I got the same message from a new Gigabyte board so I went into the BIOS to enable SMART and guess what? No such option. Checked the manual. No mention of how to enable SMART. I know the drive supports it so I have no idea why they want to advertise that the board doesn't. To answer your question, smartd does use SMART so it may not work on this system. Jeff