I would take a look at the benoit open-source drivers too http://benoit.papillault.free.fr/speedtouch/index.en.html dids
Phil Shrimpton wrote:
Right I go a new 'up to date' machine, SuSE 7.1 installed like a dream, all hardware was recognised first time including the USB card. So I decided to have another attempt to move my Alcatel USB ASDL Modem from my Windows workstation to this new machine.
I have been trying to follow the how to at...
http://www.linuxdude.co.uk/docs/Alcatel-Speedtouch-USB-mini-HOWTO/speedtouch usb.html
..and I am stumbling at the first step...
I imagine the patch is intended to be run against a "vanilla" kernel source tree; SuSE include extensive patches of their own in their kernels, so the patch is quite likely to fail. Also, I think the kernel that comes with SuSE 7.1 is actually 2.4.0-based not 2.4.2.
You need to build a vanilla kernel for your system. It's not as scary as you may think, and SuSE runs quite happily with a kernel built from vanilla sources.
Hmm. It would be annoying if the Alcatel patches only run against one version of the kernel - hopefully they'll go into the core code before too long.
-- Rachel
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