Lew Wolfgang wrote:
Lew Wolfgang wrote:
After a half-dozen 10.1 installs and managing to get YOU to see the available patches, I've now hit a wall. No matter what I do (including following some of the earlier advice here on this list) I can't get YOU to kickstart itself after a fresh install on a dual Opteron box.
What's the latest wisdom to get the patches? The install is from a boxed 10.1 dvd. I even registered it and opened a service ticket but haven't heard from Novell yet.
Hi Folks,
This is a follow up on my problem kickstarting YOU to download patches after a fresh install of 10.1. Novell support gave me this link to try:
I recommend fou4s: http://fou4s.gaugusch.at/ The version in 10.1 is still in beta, so it's not quite as pretty as the normal one, but it works quite well. Either that, or switching to apt or smart. Fou4s seems to provide the most functionality for updates, however, since it can deal with delta rpms while zen/rug and apt cannot. (I don't know if smart can deal with delta rpms)