Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: No Login, no Graphics after update to Tumbleweed 20230211-0 Message-ID : <908d78e1-c4eb-2786-bea9-7a93ee997db3@gmail.com> Date & Time: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 07:17:59 +0300 [AB] == Andrei Borzenkov <arvidjaar@gmail.com> has written: [...] AB> $ rpm -qlp nvidia-glG04-390.157-17.5.x86_64.rpm AB> ... AB> /usr/lib64/libnvidia-tls.so.390.157 AB> /usr/lib64/tls AB> /usr/lib64/tls/libnvidia-tls.so.390.157 DCR> > For history and solution. The last 390XX driver is compiled with glibc 2.36 DCR> > and the TLS handling of xauth tokens is not the same in 2.37. DCR> > DCR> > The solution is to make the nvidia driver use the tls lib from DCR> 2.37. Simplest fix is to create /etc/ld.so.conf.d/nvidia and DCR> include /usr/lib/tls so the glibc 2.37 driver has precedence (works fine here with the G04 driver on Arch) AB> And did it fix the problem on *openSUSE*? DCR> create /etc/ld.so.conf.d/nvidia and include /usr/lib/tls This is the KEY POINT!. Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: m.nomiya+suse @ gmail.com ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ " Today’s China is not the old China humiliated and bullied over 100 years ago. It is time for these people to wake up from their imperial dream." -- Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on August 4, 2022 --