On Wednesday 04 January 2006 23:20, Alexander Antoniades wrote:
Is the graphic used by this proprietary? Proprietary in what sense? Proprietary as in closed-source? No. Proprietary as in not a standard? Yes.
Can we just use screens like these http://www.schultz-net.dk/grub.html and rename them to message? Those are for the splashimage patch, which is completely different. The difference between the two is the splashimage just shows an image and draws the regular GRUB menu on top of that image, while gfxmenu makes it possible possible to have animation, change the location of the menu, have pop-up help screens, change the language, and so on.
I'm unclear why grub is set up with this message file instead of themes, I'm assuming there is some benefit. The message file is a cpio archive that contains the theme. To see what's inside, copy /boot/message to an empty directory somewhere and run 'cpio -i < message' to extract it. For the benefit, see above. :Peter