Good morning to Europe and hello openSUSE team. To bring the discussion onto a rational level again and to start a proper thread about this and forget the derailed past thread, is there anything that this community sees we can do to better the situation now, so that Eberhard and won't be killed when we announce? I personally apologize to Eberhard if my posts caused further stress to him and it certainly was not my intention to provoke him to flame me. I really feel for Eberhard and his frustration is just a symptom for a problem that weMUST solve as a community. I can personally offer a server to be online at the same time as the announcement is done (as I have access to the iso's), but to be honest it is not near as grunty as Eberhard's server, but maybe all together we can make a difference? And I can get the torrent live as soon as the announcement is done. What else can we/you do? So I will be silent for now and leave it up to you all to fill this thread with suggestions and actions and reasonably find ways NOW to alleviate Eberhard's stress level. Any folks are also invited to make comments. Let's be a team and solve this together, please. Thanks and good morning beta4. Andreas openSUSE is SUPER: To help in the SUSE Performance Enhanced Release project visit