The scenario: Fresh SUSE 10 installation from Eval-DVD-i386 followed by an immediate YOU update. I would like to set up KDM's own login screen. For this I change the DISPLAYMANAGER_KDM_THEME option in the /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager file like this: DISPLAYMANAGER_KDM_THEME="" using YaST -> /etc/sysconfig editor.
But the login screen remains the default SUSE screen, does not change to the traditional kdm login screen.
What else should I check to fix this?
In kdmrc you need UseTheme=No. This is not unique to SuSE.
Setting UseTheme=false fixed the problem. Thanks! IG ________________________________________________________________________ Halld és lásd a 20. századot! Cikkek és videók a század történelmi eseményeiről az [origo] Múltkor oldalán. http://mult-kor.hu/cikk.php?article=12020