MaD dUCK schrieb:
i read many mailing lists and the suse-linux-e mailing list sticks out in one annoying aspect - and that is, people quote all messages when replying and then someone else quotes the original and the reply and his and so on. there are messages on the list of depth 7 - so less than 10% by average is actual message text.
please take care when including the original message when replying. it's a fabulous tool to establish context for something you have to say, but it's not there to make multiple and more multiple copies of emails here and there.
thanks for your time, martin
Dear Martin. I entirely agree with you. But L/x folks love reading text mixtures - or could someone possibly explain to me why one has so many locations to search for docs? e.g. /usr/share and then the howtos, minihowtos a.s.f.? I cannot figure any sense there and consider it seveX-MoziX-Mozilla-Status: 0009om - Sun Jan 14 15:24:59 2001 X-Mozilla-Status: 0801 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 FCC: /C|/Programme/Netscape/Users/ob_ok/mail/Sent Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:24:58 +0100 From: Oliver Ob <> Organization: o.b./RSi/TRSi/SCS*TRC/BB/F4CG X-Mozilla-Draft-Info: internal/draft; vcard=0; receipt=0; uuencode=0; html=0; linewidth=78 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.73 [de]C-CCK-MCD DT (Win98; U) X-Accept-Language: de MIME-Version: 1.0 To: peter hollings <> Subject: Re: [SLE] Recent Discussions..Yast etc. References: <> <000c01c07b07$d89e1480$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit peter hollings schrieb:
At the risk of butting into an intense discussion, I'll venture the following: Why not adopt a structure like a "User Group" as in the commercial software industry in America? SuSE could present its release plans to the group in a virtual forum and accept feedback. If the release plan was in fact committed, the feedback could still impact the next subsequent release -- which isn't that far away. SuSE wouldn't give up much, if any, autonomy at all and could gain a lot. Being in on the early announcement could create interest and excitement in the community. And having its product plans more closely aligned with the needs of the community could only strengthen SuSE's market position.
Peter Hollings
----- Original Message ----- From: "Cliff Sarginson" <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 6:53 AM Subject: [SLE] Recent Discussions..Yast etc.
Hello, I hope the enthusiastic accolades now coming onto the list, and the suggestion that discussion about yast1 has just been bandwidth wasting will not alter a few important points arising.
Firstly. Why has this speculation arose ? And why have Suse not officially responded to the mailling list that fills the inadequacies in their support for zero cost ?
Someone on the list has stated that Suse are modularising yast, and that yast1 and yast2 will both be available. How does he know this ? Is he privy to information we are not. If this is the case why are there no Alsa or new printer modules in Yast1 under Version 7.0, but existing for Yast2?
Why does Suse not make it's intentions clear ?
You all pay for Suse, the CD's may not be reproduced by 3rd parties for sale (unlike nearly all other distro's -- including Redhat). So you are paying for the distribution technology. This is certainly one of the reasons I use Suse. It seems to me to be completely legitimate to ask what the future holds in this regard.
Suse in my experience almost never respond to feedback or info emails. It is time they did.
This is a matter of a business transaction. Suse sit outside the free distribution chain so common in Linux - therefore they should respond in a business like manner.
Flames to /dev/null. Creative comments to Suse.
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