Hi Stanley, On Thursday 22 December 2005 12:46, Stanley Long wrote: <snippage>
Before SuSE r7 or so, it was possible to select 1st resolution, then 2nd, 3rd, etc.
I liked and used the resolution switcher in Gnome and I'm sure the same functionality is available in KDE... I just haven't had time to investigate it and I seem to somehow need it less (my fonts are already bigger?) FYI, I have temporarily "failed over" to KDE on this 9.3 system as the Gnome side has too many irritating unresolved problems... but that's another story. <snip>
Later "improvements" dropped down to auto selection of the highest allowable resolution as 1st choice. That caused me no end of troubles, but forced me to learn about editing XF86Config to put the resolution choices in the order I wanted. It still looped. as before.
At one time, out of expediency, I actually created multiple versions of xorg.conf (different file names, of course) so I could just copy over the active file and restart X when I needed to change settings. I thought of writing a script to streamline the process, but it just seemed easier to do it by hand. ;-)
This 9.2 box has two monitors (NON-xinerama) using the latter method. CAD work on one screen at highest resolution; construction site photo display on the other at whatever lower resolution makes for best viewing. Firefox knows how to change text sizes, but that doesn't help if the web page is a graphic. Only changing the resolution works.
I'd be interested in learning more about this configuration and the software you're using in construction applications... I could conceivably have a market up here for some of it. Would you be willing to drop me a note directly for this separate topic? <snippage>
There have been problems with Xorg losing dual screen smarts in 10.0. We pulled one newbie off his 10.0 and put him back on 9.3 last month. We could configure things at our meeting place, but couldn't make it easy for him to go home and easily reconfigure for his different (large, heavy) monitors. He wasn't ready to edit config files on his own.
Have you checked bugzilla and/or filed a bug report? That's a show-stopper with your applications...
It is discouraging when easy-to-start gets in the way of easy-to-use.
Sigh.... nothing I could add to that statement comes to mind :-/ Thanks for an interesting post, Stanley. regards, - Carl