On 2017-05-08 00:34, Knurpht - Gertjan Lettink wrote:
On personal title ..
Op zondag 7 mei 2017 23:10:41 CEST schreef Carlos E. R.:
The reason that there is no 32 bit Leap is because Leap takes its kernel from SLE, and there is no 32 bit SLE.
That's not the reason. Fact that so far no one has stepped up to take the challenge and do the job is.
That's the official explanation now.
Step up, start building and you'll see it's not like that. We all would be proud to see you do it.
The explanation at the time was that SLES had dropped 32 bit support, so there was no 32 bit kernel ready, and it had to be done by somebody.
Come on, you're one of the people who should know !!
I do. Three samples: Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 06:48:02 +0200 From: Werner Flamme <> To: opensuse-factory@opensuse.org Subject: Re: [opensuse-factory] 42.1 and 32 bit Parts/Attachments: 1 Shown ~27 lines Text ---------------------------------------- [ This message was cryptographically signed. ] Stephan Kulow [27.08.2015 12:27]:
On 27.08.2015 11:34, Andreas Hoffmann wrote:
Dear all,
does for the upcomming version 42.1 a 32 bit version will be available? Nor for milestone 1 I only can find a x64 version.
If 32 bit will be availalbe later on which stage of the development it is to be expected?
Beta? RC? I don't plan to create one at all
Greetings, Stephan
I see. Since SLE 12 is 64 bit only, it would be quite a lot of work to <========= create a 32 bit branch for Leap. Werner ----- Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 10:14:11 +0200 (CEST) From: Johannes Meixner <...@suse.de> To: opensuse-factory@opensuse.org Subject: Re: [opensuse-factory] 42.1 and 32 bit Hello, On Aug 28 09:07 Michal Kubecek wrote (excerpt):
... our limited resources ...
What exactly do you mean with "our"? I think: If you mean openSUSE contributors then those are free to spend their time on what they like to get done. In contrast if you mean SUSE employees it is out of scope when they spend SUSE working hours on issues that have no relevance for SUSE products. Of course SUSE employees are free to spend their leisure time on basically anything they like. Because SLE12 is only made for 64-bit, 32-bit specific issues <========= have no relevance for SLE12 products and accordingly a 32-bit version of Leap as no relevance for SUSE. Regarding a 32-bit version of Leap made by openSUSE contributors see my other mail. This not any kind of official statement. It is only my personal point of view. Kind Regards Johannes Meixner ----- Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 13:13:12 +0200 From: gumb <...@linuxmail.org> To: opensuse-factory@opensuse.org Subject: Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: 42.1 and 32 bit ... I've read much of the reasoning for going 64-bit only, and I can see the predicament. There are some reasoned voices in here who have laid out some of the facts and the difficulties faced with continuing 32-bit. But there are also a number of very defensive and at times rather unpleasant folk of whom I'm not sure of their motivations other than sticking the knife in to those less fortunate than themselves; a sort of baying group of bullies. Granted, until now I've never followed the Factory list, but I've rarely seen such a disconnect between *some* of the openSUSE 'contributors' (broadly speaking) and regular users. Given that one of Linux's long-standing strong selling points has been that it runs very well on older hardware and allows you to keep such machines in use, for the sake of three more years of support for up to 15% of the user base, I think openSUSE should continue to offer 32-bit, and if it's a question of money and build machines, SUSE ought to donate some servers to the cause. Yes, they really should. There may be a complete separation of SUSE from openSUSE but still the former should contribute more to support the latter, if not financially then by way of hardware donations. If they want to achieve this virtuous circle of TW > SUSE > openSUSE (maybe it's a triangle then) they should be prepared to help out more in the regular user community, because that's where the interest for Tumbleweed and hence SUSE additions will come from later on. Alas, they've already abandoned 32-bit themselves with SLE12 so it seems they're bloody-minded on this issue. ----- The thread is very long, I only looked a bit. Just some samples. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 42.2 x86_64 "Malachite" at Telcontar)