I have loads of stuff in /tmp... for example following.. 0011060475 0599923142 gaimG2cwgf isj1XMLEL ksocket-pp migrate-1 0024762619 0914599738 gaimHQw0sa isjV9rE09 ksocket-ps xauth.XXXXODfn1h 0165799984 1361491948 gaim_ps.1315 ismp001 ksocket-root 0432135673 1367389618 gaim_ps.2042 ismp002 mcop-pp 0550766388 2140889804 gaim_ps.2390 kde-pp mcop-ps 0556431942 YaST2-03020 gaimmQetvl kde-ps mcop-root 0577106449 YaST2.tdir isj1HKdpS kde-root migrate all the 10-digit sets are dirs, the rest are files of some sort... Are these really still needed, or just abandoned and for some reason forgotten, These take some diskspace, so I rather get rid off these... I know if I have stored something here temporarily, but does my system need these possibly or can I safely just delete these ? P_tr