I got me a used Lenovo T470 with w10 preinstalled and using uefi or whatecver they call that fancy boot crap. In order to stay on the safe side of the alley I just installed Tumbleweed on a 1tb usb-ssd prepartitioned the same as the 1tb ssd of my desktop to eventually just host a copy of it. This way I can make a 'dd' copy of the entire laptop ssd for a backup of the entire on-board built-in hsithouse with windows included. I 'think' in case of a mishap I would just dd that file back to that or another same size ssd and be done with it. 3 questions - is the above a workable arrangement? - can I plug the linux ssd into the thunderbolt port and get better speed than with just a usb port (reason, I need all the usb ports)? - is there another and simple way of doing it all on an internal 1tb+ ssd with grub and not run the risk of windows screwing it all up? TIA